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Workouts to 
get you moving.

It is essential that exercise becomes part of our daily lives if we want to live a healthy and fulfilling life into older age.


From my training as a Certified Cross Fit Level 1 Coach, I have put together a couple of exercises you can try at home requiring minimal equipment. 


The Kettle Bell 

To scale this workout change the burpees to down ups. 


5 rounds for time: 


  1. 21 kettle bell swings 

  2. 15 goblet swings 

  3. 9 burpees

The Wall Ball 

To scale this workout complete 1 round. 


  1. 21 wall balls 

  2. 200m run with wall ball 

  3. 15 wall balls 

  4. 200m run with wall ball 

  5. 9 wall balls 

  6. 200m run with wall ball 


2 rounds

The Squat

To scale change burpees to down ups: 


10 rounds for time: 


  1. 10 Burpees 

  2. 10 Air squats 

  3. 10 Push ups 

  4. 10 Sit ups

The Shoulder Press

To scale change the time to 10 mins. 


  1. 15 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible) 

  2. 2 - 4 – 6 - 8…etc 

  3. Single arm alternating dumb bell power snatch

  4. Burpee over the dumb bell 

Dr Chris - Shoulder Press.png

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